Betting on the Wrong Regulatory Cards How to Depoliticize the Swiss Gambling Sector and Move It into the Digital Age 27.04.2022, Jürg Müller, Basil Ammann
When Nudge Turns to Shove Focus of the month Governments should hold back when it comes to taxes promoting healthy eating 01.02.2022, Haig Simonian
Cutting Consumption Does Little to Combat Climate Change Curbs on fossil fuels need to focus on the supply side 31.01.2022, Lukas Rühli
The Lion in “Sleep Mode” Analysis Focused analysis on freedom in the canton of Zurich 22.12.2021, Mario Bonato, Samuel Rutz
A “Digital Micro-Company” for Switzerland Analysis How a new legal structure could boost the digitization of public administration and simplify life for Swiss companies 30.09.2021, Jürg Müller, Basil Ammann
Avenir Suisse Freedom Index 2020 New Member and Surprise Result: Liechtenstein a Nose Ahead 14.12.2020, Samuel Rutz, Mario Bonato
Bern Must Avoid the Temptation to Overreact Focus of the month The Swiss government has won praise for its economic response to the Covid-19 crisis, but needs to remain watchful 30.11.2020, Haig Simonian
Economic Policy Responses to the Second Wave Analysis Enabling Structural Change, Even in Times of Crisis 20.11.2020, Jürg Müller, Valérie Müller, Marco Salvi
Switzerland Should Embrace Business, Not Suspect It Focus of the month Big companies are crucial to the country’s prosperity 09.11.2020, Haig Simonian
Irresponsible? The Role and Perception of Swiss Entrepreneurship in Times of Upheaval 02.11.2020, Marco Salvi, Peter Grünenfelder, Lukas Rühli, Patrick Dümmler, Samuel Rutz, Valérie Müller, Céline Neuenschwander, Matthias Ammann
Corona Will Cost the World 24.4 Trillion USD The International Monetary Fund reckons economic recovery for many countries will take a long time 30.10.2020, Lukas Rühli
Sustainable Powertrain Technologies avenir spécial Full Throttle to Net Zero 16.07.2020, Christian Bach (Empa), Patrick Dümmler, Peter Grünenfelder, Jürg Müller, Peter Richner (Empa), Urs Steiner, Marc Tribelhorn
Cantonal Agricultural Policy Under Scrutiny Analysis Points of Leverage to Make Swiss Farming More Regional 03.07.2020, Patrick Dümmler, Mario Bonato
Reaching the Right Balance Optimizing the mix of intervention and liberty will be crucial for the post corona world 05.05.2020, Haig Simonian
Timetable for Exiting Corona For a gradual reopening of the economy and society 30.04.2020, Peter Grünenfelder, Jérôme Cosandey, Patrick Dümmler, Lukas Rühli, Samuel Rutz, Jürg Müller, Fabian Schnell, Marco Salvi, Matthias Ammann
Say No to Bailouts The costly illusion of comprehensive insurance for the economy 30.04.2020, Jürg Müller, Fabian Schnell, Marco Salvi, Peter Grünenfelder
Trust, not a Planned Economy We need comprehensible criteria before loosening corona restrictions 24.04.2020, Peter Grünenfelder
What a 5G Moratorium Would Mean for Switzerland Irrational fight against the modernization of telecommunications infrastructure 07.04.2020, Jürg Müller, Basil Ammann