Avenir Suisse Essentials Essential Insights of our studies distilled in a new series of publications A A Essentials: Distilled insights from Avenir Suisse (trailer) An overview of all Essentials Energy Policy under Pressure Energy policy under pressure Essential on energy supply in Switzerland 24.04.2024, Simon Stocker Banking Regulation in the Digital Age Banking Regulation in the Digital Age Essential on financial crises and banking regulation 22.03.2024, Jürg Müller Public Services in Need of Reform Public Services in Need of Reform Essential on the changing needs of society 28.02.2024, Samuel Rutz A Third Pillar with Potential A Third Pillar with Potential Essential on the third pillar of retirement provision 29.01.2024, Jérôme Cosandey Benefits of Free Trade for Switzerland Benefits of Free Trade for Switzerland Essential on Swiss Foreign Trade 13.12.2023, Patrick Dümmler OASI, the Unstable First Pillar OASI, the Unstable First Pillar Essential on the first pillar of retirement provision 25.10.2023, Diego Taboada A Second Stable Pillar A Second Stable Pillar Essential for retirement provision 23.11.2023, Sonia Estevez Agreement on Electricity with the EU Agreement on Electricity with the EU Essential on the future of Swiss energy supply 26.09.2023, Patrick Dümmler Opaque Subsidies Opaque Subsidies Essential on risks and side effects of government support measures 16.08.2023, Laurenz Grabher Competition on Quality Rather Than on Cost Competition on Quality Rather Than Cost Essential on the topic of healthcare policy 18.10.2023, Jérôme Cosandey Government Growth out of Control Growing Government Footprint Essential on the topic of government growth in Switzerland 05.09.2023, Eveline Hutter Paradoxical Minimum Wages Paradoxical Minimum Wages Essential on the topic of the labor market 24.07.2023, Patrick Leisibach Effective Climate Policy Effective Climate Policy Essential on the topic of climate policy 24.07.2023, Patrick Dümmler Send feedback to the authors, or share the content on social media
Banking Regulation in the Digital Age Essential on financial crises and banking regulation 22.03.2024, Jürg Müller
A Third Pillar with Potential Essential on the third pillar of retirement provision 29.01.2024, Jérôme Cosandey
OASI, the Unstable First Pillar Essential on the first pillar of retirement provision 25.10.2023, Diego Taboada
Agreement on Electricity with the EU Essential on the future of Swiss energy supply 26.09.2023, Patrick Dümmler
Opaque Subsidies Essential on risks and side effects of government support measures 16.08.2023, Laurenz Grabher
Competition on Quality Rather Than Cost Essential on the topic of healthcare policy 18.10.2023, Jérôme Cosandey
Growing Government Footprint Essential on the topic of government growth in Switzerland 05.09.2023, Eveline Hutter