The Role of Small Open Economies Think Tank Summit 2022 Discussion with Markus Herrmann Chen, Kristy Hsu and Kishore Mahbubani 08.04.2022, Patrick Dümmler
“Geopolitics and Institutions” Think Tank Summit 2022 Keynote by Heinz Gärtner followed by a discussion with Martin Dahinden, I-Chung Lai and Ralph Weber 05.04.2022, Patrick Dümmler
“The 5G-Network Is the Nervous System Connecting All Dimensions of Society.” Think Tank Summit 2022 Keynote by Dr. Tim Rühlig followed by a discussion with Fabio Rugge 22.03.2022, Teresa Hug Alonso
“Don’t Shut the Barn Door after the Horse Has Left” Think Tank Summit 2022 Keynote speech by Dr. Markus Braun and Panel with Dr. Markus Braun, Dr. Theresa Fallon und Dr. Christian Etter on Trade and Investment 11.03.2022, Teresa Hug Alonso
“Change Is Relative” Think Tank Summit 2022 Opening speech by the Federal Chancellor Walter Thurnherr 04.03.2022, Avenir Suisse