Think dänk!
Two scholars debate a bold vision for migration
Christoph Eisenring
Should Switzerland Open Its Borders?
Think dänk!Two scholars debate a bold vision for migration
Should Switzerland, and the world, open their borders to free migration? In our latest podcast, Ilya Somin, a Professor of Law at George Mason University in Fairfax, USA, and Oliver Zimmer, a historian and research director at the Center for Research in Economics, Management, and the Arts, engage in a thought-provoking discussion. Moderated by Christoph Eisenring from Avenir Suisse, the debate explores the far-reaching implications of open borders and unrestricted migration.
Ilya Somin argues that open borders significantly enhance human freedom. He contends that people living in societies with limited opportunities could achieve higher productivity and prosperity by moving to freer, wealthier countries. For Somin, supporting freedom of movement within nations while opposing it between them is a glaring contradiction. Oliver Zimmer pushes back, describing Somin’s vision as a “libertarian utopia” that overlooks the crucial roles of culture and institution-building. He stresses that democratic societies must retain control over the scale and pace of migration to preserve stability and cohesion.
Think dänk!
Debate between think tankers Sylvie Matelly, Karel Lannoo, and Lukas Schmid
Marc Lehmann,
Lukas Schmid
Is Industrial Policy an Answer?
Think dänk!Debate between think tankers Sylvie Matelly, Karel Lannoo, and Lukas Schmid
Industrial policy is making a comeback: supporting individual companies or entire industries has once again become acceptable around the world. Whether the aim is to strengthen security of supply, safeguard jobs, or fight climate change: The idea is to steer the economy in the desired direction. Globally, subsidies for this purpose amounted to a staggering $1,700 billion last year alone.
But can industrial policy deliver on all these political promises? Karel Lannoo, CEO of the Center for European Policy Studies in Brussels, Sylvie Matelly, Director of the Jacques Delor Institute in Paris, and Avenir Suisse Senior Fellow Lukas Schmid, author of our latest study on industrial policy, discuss this topic in our new podcast episode.