Can there be a basic consensus on value of values in the globalized world? What are the prerequisites for it? What should it look like, which values should we cherish? How do values develop at all? And what ist their status today? What can we do to defend the Western values?

In this book, twenty authors take a closer look at the great questions of morals, values, norms, institutions and rules from an economic, philosophical, sociological, and political perspective. It also features findings of demoscopic studies that give insights into people’s sensitivities and the sometimes difficult relationship between the values of freedom, justice and security.

The book concludes with “Furcht vor der Freiheit” (originally entitled “Afraid to be free”, published for the first time here in German), in which Nobel laureate James M. Buchanan warns of the consequences of overburdening the state with duties. Governments, he says, like to play God if hesitant citizens shy away from taking responsibility for themselves and others. But the governments’ paternalism, he continues, already reaches its limits for financial reasons.

Authors: Tissy Bruns, James M. Buchanan, Dominik H. Enste, Joachim Fetzer, Christoph Frei, Nils Goldschmidt, Karen Horn, Michael Hüther, Harold James, Necla Kelek, Guy Kirsch, Inna Knelsen, Elham Manea, Thomas Petersen, Peter Ruch, Ulrich Schmid, Gerhard Schwarz, Michael Frhr. Truchsess, Thomas Volkmann, Ursula Weidenfeld und Michael Zöller.