Navigating Troubled Waters Three Options for Switzerland in its Dealings with China 31.05.2022, Patrick Dümmler, Teresa Hug Alonso, Mario Bonato
Getting Closer to NATO Does not Mean Giving up Neutrality Defense cooperation and transnational collaboration are great opportunities for Switzerland 31.05.2022, Lukas Rühli
“The 5G-Network Is the Nervous System Connecting All Dimensions of Society.” Think Tank Summit 2022 Keynote by Dr. Tim Rühlig followed by a discussion with Fabio Rugge 22.03.2022, Teresa Hug Alonso
Refugee Integration: Milestones and Challenges Think Tank Summit 2021 Cornelia Lüthy, Deputy Director, State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) 28.02.2021, Avenir Suisse
Europe’s Threadbare Security Story An international debate and associated publication reveal why much more needs to be done 30.01.2020, Haig Simonian
Security through Cooperation Think Tank Summit Think Tank Summit “The Future of Transnational Security on the European Continent” 29.01.2020, Think Tank Summit
An International Think Tank Report on Security in Europe Think Tank Report 15.01.2020, Pascal Lago, Fabian Schnell