Trade On International trade is no guarantee of peace, but still has its perks. 31.05.2024, Simon Stocker, Jürg Müller
How Successful Is the Bologna Process? The university bachelor’s employability and international mobility show that there is room for improvement 25.03.2024, Florence Mauli
Politics Keeps Consumers on a Short Leash As Switzerland further closes itself off, shopping tourism will become more difficult. 30.11.2023, Patrick Dümmler
Erosion Monitor #4 Analysis Report on the Status of Bilateral Relations between Switzerland and the EU: Focus on Western Switzerland and Ticino 07.06.2023, Teresa Hug Alonso, Patrick Dümmler
The Tale of the Evil Market and the Good Basic Supply Network Why a complete liberalization of the electricity market is necessary 30.03.2023, Patrick Dümmler
Facing Difficult Times Because of Our Relationship with Europe Hannah’s Quicktakes into Part 3 of Avenir Suisse’s Erosion Monitor 29.06.2022, Hannah Wise
Erosion Monitor #3 Analysis Report on the Status of the Bilateral Relationship between Switzerland and the EU: A Focus on Northwestern Switzerland 17.06.2022, Teresa Hug Alonso, Peter Grünenfelder, Patrick Dümmler
The Balancing Act between USA, EU und China Hannah’s Quicktakes into Avenir Suisse's latest study "Navigating troubled waters" 01.06.2022, Hannah Wise
Navigating Troubled Waters Three Options for Switzerland in its Dealings with China 31.05.2022, Patrick Dümmler, Teresa Hug Alonso, Mario Bonato
When Politicians Pull the Plug Homemade Problems Are Jeopardizing the Supply of Electricity 08.03.2022, Patrick Dümmler
Erosion Monitor #2 Analysis Report on the Status of the Bilateral Relationship between Switzerland and the EU: A Focus on Education and Research 22.02.2022, Patrick Dümmler, Teresa Hug Alonso
Open the Digital Frontiers The Digital Single Market creates new opportunities for Europe’s digital economy – but what about Switzerland? 26.10.2021, Corina Gall, Céline Neuenschwander
Freshening up Swiss Democracy Opposing governmental paternalism towards the Swiss electorate 30.09.2021, Peter Grünenfelder
Slow, but Progressive, Deterioration Focus of the month Switzerland’s relations with its most important trading and political partner will inevitably decline 30.08.2021, Haig Simonian
Erosion Monitor Trimester Report on the Status of the Bilateral Relationship between Switzerland and the EU 25.08.2021, Teresa Hug Alonso, Peter Grünenfelder, Patrick Dümmler
Ways out of the European Political Impasse No need to fear the electorate 31.05.2021, Peter Grünenfelder
Decision Time for Switzerland Focus of the month Revising relations with the European Union cannot be postponed forever 30.03.2021, Haig Simonian
Security of Supply through Economic Openness Diversifying sources of supply through established channels is better than boosting self-sufficiency 29.03.2021, Patrick Dümmler