Choosing a Career: One Step Closer to Gender Equality Progress and Tenacious Trends 23.05.2024, Marco Salvi, Patrick Schnell
Equality Policy at an Impasse Commentary of the Week Companies could now be sanctioned if suspected of pay discrimination. Yet again, the Swiss National Council is serving a dubious narrative that harms the cause of equality 30.05.2023, Lukas Schmid, Patrick Leisibach
A Coherent Integration of Women into the 2nd Pillar Solidarity is not only a question of gender, but also of generations 29.11.2022, Jérôme Cosandey
Future-Oriented Widowers’ and Widows’ Benefits What next after the ECtHR’s criticism of unequal AHV/AVS benefits for survivors? 31.10.2022, Jérôme Cosandey
The Vote as an Expression of Freedom Fifty years of women’s suffrage in Switzerland - a review 07.02.2021, Verena Parzer-Epp
Why Marry when Living in Sin Is Cheaper? Switzerland is again debating how best to tax married couples 30.06.2020, Haig Simonian
Women Disadvantaged by Family Taxation What Tax Models Would Give Them Incentives to Work 25.06.2020, Marco Salvi, Valérie Müller
Switzerland’s Battle for Gender Equality For decades, women have been campaigning for better rights. But a new study shows, there’s still some way to go 28.06.2019, Haig Simonian
Stalled in the Past Anachronistic labor legislation contradicts today's working world 15.10.2018, Peter Grünenfelder
Gender Equality for Real Why ‘civic service’ is the perfect answer to social change 26.09.2018, Noémie Roten, Salomè Vogt
Why We (Will) Work Longer As women’s retirement age rises, men are also working longer 18.05.2018, Marco Salvi
Gender Equality Why the Labour Market Hasn’t Failed 18.11.2015, Marco Salvi with Monika Engler, Verena Parzer Epp, Patrik Schellenbauer and Claudia Wirz
Trailblazers of modern Switzerland Women who lived freedom 19.06.2014, Verena Parzer Epp and Claudia Wirz (ed.), with contributions of Sibylle Egloff, Simone Hofer, Simon Hurst, Lukas Rühli, Marco Salvi, Patrik Schellenbauer, Barbara Stolba and Susanne Stortz
Swiss Top Income Share at the Level of the 1960s Observations on the Swiss Trade Union Federation’s analysis of income development for top earners 31.05.2013, Patrik Schellenbauer