Switzerland’s foundations poised for a new start Bringing sponsorship up to date 30.09.2014, Daniel Müller-Jentsch
Ways out of the regulatory jungle Worrying facts and promising solutions for Switzerland 25.09.2014, Peter Buomberger
Singapore – surviving by success The aim of the new „avenir special“ on Singapore is to encourage people to take a bold approach to thinking about Switzerland. 19.08.2014, Gerhard Schwarz, Simone Hofer Frei, Samuel Rutz
Overall target rather than quotas How the immigration initiative target can be met while preserving the free movement of persons 15.05.2014, Patrik Schellenbauer
Empty Hopes for Full Reserve Banking Why measured steps are a better way of reforming the financial system than bold leaps 25.03.2014, Rudolf Walser and Jörg Baumberger
No time for liberalisation The Germany, Austria and Switzerland «D A CH Reform Barometer» falls for the first time since 2005 20.03.2014, Robert Koza, Thomas Puls and Marco Salvi
The Overall Target: Less Immigration in Spite Of the Free Movement of Persons Switzerland does not have to break its accords with the European Union on the free movement of persons to meet the aims of the “Masseneinwanderungsinitiative” (the successful February referendum on limiting immigration, ed). Instead, immigration could be curbed bindingly and durably by a 10 year “overall target” (ie. cap) on… 03.03.2014, Patrik Schellenbauer, Gerhard Schwarz
Fundamental reform for renewable energy subsidies in power generation How renewables can be better integrated into the electricity market 04.02.2014, Urs Meister
Avenir Suisse’s Freedom Index An interactive tool to compare civil and economic freedoms in Swiss cantons 15.01.2014, Externe Autoren, Samuel Rutz
Unreasonable prices? High prices should not be countered by public sector meddling in price setting mechanisms 11.12.2013, Samuel Rutz
Multinational companies: fact and fiction The wide ranging contribution of multinationals to Swiss prosperity 24.06.2013, Rudolf Walser, Alois Bischofberger
Energy strategy: no going it alone How Switzerland should deal with green power and electricity trading markets 25.04.2013, Urs Meister
Rejuvenating cure for old-age pensions Proposals to reform the second pillar (occupational pensions) 15.04.2013, Jérôme Cosandey and Alois Bischofberger
Switzerland’s Riches Go Beyond Money Switzerland is a rich country. At some USD 50,000, it has the third highest per capita gross domestic product (GDP) in the world (based on 2012 prices). Its average wealth stands at USD 375,000 – which is more than that of any other country and is around 100 times higher… 28.03.2013, Gerhard Schwarz
D-A-CH Reform Barometer 2011/12 Economic reforms in Germany. Austria and Switzerland 15.03.2013, Robert Koza, Thomas Puls, Marco Salvi and Martin Wermelinger
Ideas for Switzerland 44 opportunities to win the future 15.02.2013, Patrik Schellenbauer, Rudolf Walser, Alois Bischofberger, Daniel Müller-Jentsch, Urs Meister, Markus Schär, Gerhard Schwarz, Lukas Rühli, Jérôme Cosandey, Marco Salvi
Variable-Geometry Governance The Lake Geneva Region as a Blueprint for other Metropolitan Regions 17.04.2012, Xavier Comtesse
More Market Forces in Public Services Why Swiss infrastructure services need less state intervention and more competition 23.02.2012, Urs Meister