Overcautious Cantons The cantons closed fiscal 2021 CHF 6.8 billion better than budgeted. This new record puts often-heard warnings of looming deficits into perspective. 31.10.2022, Lukas Rühli
Global GDP: Overestimated by 25 Percent Enormous deviations in the comparison of actual and forecast GDP growth fundamentally call into question the value of longer-term impact analyses 30.08.2022, Lukas Rühli
Irresponsible? The Role and Perception of Swiss Entrepreneurship in Times of Upheaval 02.11.2020, Marco Salvi, Peter Grünenfelder, Lukas Rühli, Patrick Dümmler, Samuel Rutz, Valérie Müller, Céline Neuenschwander, Matthias Ammann
Corona Will Cost the World 24.4 Trillion USD The International Monetary Fund reckons economic recovery for many countries will take a long time 30.10.2020, Lukas Rühli
Switzerland’s Higher Borrowing Is No Cause for Alarm – Yet Public sector indebtedness and the “debt brake” in the foreground 28.09.2020, Haig Simonian
The Tender Poison of Statism The economic policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic lead to regulatory blunders. 29.06.2020, Peter Grünenfelder
Timetable for Exiting Corona For a gradual reopening of the economy and society 30.04.2020, Peter Grünenfelder, Jérôme Cosandey, Patrick Dümmler, Lukas Rühli, Samuel Rutz, Jürg Müller, Fabian Schnell, Marco Salvi, Matthias Ammann
Economic Implications of a Comprehensive Shutdown Almost CHF 30 billion in value creation lost every month 26.03.2020, Peter Grünenfelder, Jürg Müller, Fabian Schnell, Pascal Lago
Swiss Multinationals in a Global Marketplace Market capitalisation : Switzerland is one of the most important economic actors 10.01.2017, Tibère Adler
“Baden-Württemberg Is just as Important to Us as China Is” In Credit Suisse's recent publication "Worry Barometer," Simon Brunner interviewed Avenir Suisse’s director, Peter Grünenfelder. The Swiss people have the right to prioritise economic growth. “We need to continue to remind people of certain economic truths.” 20.12.2016, Simon Brunner interviews Peter Grünenfelder
Growth – why, how much and how A new publication and graphical supplement on economic growth 19.01.2016, Gerhard Schwarz, Simone Hofer Frei, Samuel Rutz
Sand in the Gears of World Trade Dynamic international trade is being hampered in many ways 17.12.2015, Rudolf Walser
Singapore – surviving by success The aim of the new „avenir special“ on Singapore is to encourage people to take a bold approach to thinking about Switzerland. 19.08.2014, Gerhard Schwarz, Simone Hofer Frei, Samuel Rutz