Current Data on the Schengen-Dublin Agreement Security concerns have not materialized 27.02.2019, Julian Kamasa
Keep Things in Proportion Sober analysis of the pros and cons of a new institutional agreement with the European Union shows Switzerland should pursue its bilateral path 20.12.2018, Haig Simonian
Season’s Greetings A short Christmas video, which also shows our current areas of interest 20.12.2018, Avenir Suisse
Switzerland at the Crossroads The delay in deciding on the Framework Agreement with the EU reveals the rift in Swiss society 20.12.2018, Peter Grünenfelder
Fair Prices for Swiss Food A 10 point strategy for Switzerland's consumers, taxpayers and agricultural entrepreneurs 25.09.2018, Haig Simonian
Switzerland is More Than a Wealthy Paradise Reflections about openness, King Roger and the importance of a liberal labor market 25.09.2018, Natanael Rother
The Farmer as an Executive Body Deregulation in Switzerland's agricultural sector could stimulate innovation and nurture farmers' entrepreneurial spirit 31.08.2018, Peter Grünenfelder
Outflanked How “Flankierende Massnahmen” have become Switzerland’s new buzzword 31.08.2018, Haig Simonian
Close Ranks and Keep Cool Trump’s trade wars could prompt an EU rethink in Switzerland 29.06.2018, Haig Simonian
Six Scenarios for Switzerland’s Future Where does the future lie for a small, export dependent country in an era of ever bigger blocs? 31.05.2018, Haig Simonian
Switzerland White Paper Six sketches for the future 30.05.2018, Peter Grünenfelder, Patrik Schellenbauer, Patrick Dümmler, Jennifer Anthamatten, Verena Parzer-Epp, Marco Salvi, Jakob Schaad, Fabian Schnell, Urs Steiner
What Bern and London Don’t Share When It Comes to Brexit Beneath the surface, the two countries have different interests 30.04.2018, Haig Simonian
«Do We Have Market Access?» Interview New State Secretary for European Affairs, Roberto Balzaretti, on the future of bilateral relations with the EU 16.04.2018, Verena Parzer-Epp, Patrick Dümmler
Switzerland‘s Farmers’ Lobby on the Defensive Swiss farmers have the most powerful and single biggest lobby in the federal parliament. This explains why they are able to protect their interests (e.g. through tough barriers on foreign food). But this agricultural protectionism can lead to big difficulties amid accelerating trade liberalisation and negotiations with ever stronger regional partnerships. 28.03.2018, Haig Simonian
We Need to Get Out of the Comfort Zone Major future issues are taboo in Swiss politics 15.01.2018, Peter Grünenfelder
Brexit or Waiting For Godot Clarifying relations between Switzerland and the EU is key 06.12.2017, Peter Grünenfelder
The Swiss Financial Centre in an Increasingly Protectionist World The «splendid isolation» is over for the Swiss financial centre 20.10.2017, Jakob Schaad
Free Movement of Persons and Accompanying Measures Less constriction of the labor market 15.05.2017, Tobias Schlegel
Rethinking International Trade and Migration after Brexit and Trump Focus of the month, Think Tank Summit Think-tankers from six countries analyzing the changing geopolitical framework 14.03.2017, Mariusz Lukasiewicz