Media Policy for the Digital Age How the Media Order in Switzerland Can Be Brought into the 21st Century 24.10.2022, Jürg Müller, Basil Ammann, Laurenz Grabher
Betting on the Wrong Regulatory Cards How to Depoliticize the Swiss Gambling Sector and Move It into the Digital Age 27.04.2022, Jürg Müller, Basil Ammann
Finding the Right Balance for Public Services Focus of the month Switzerland’s tradition of “service public” sits oddly with commercial priorities 30.11.2021, Haig Simonian
A “Digital Micro-Company” for Switzerland Analysis How a new legal structure could boost the digitization of public administration and simplify life for Swiss companies 30.09.2021, Jürg Müller, Basil Ammann
Digital Advances for a Crisis-proof Democracy Corona is an opportunity for the consistent and transparent digitization of democratic procedures 29.03.2021, Lukas Schmid
Democracy and Federalism Derailed by the Coronavirus? Analysis Eight recommendations for strengthening crisis management in the Confederation and cantons 05.02.2021, Lukas Schmid, Pascal Lago
What a 5G Moratorium Would Mean for Switzerland Irrational fight against the modernization of telecommunications infrastructure 07.04.2020, Jürg Müller, Basil Ammann
Artificial Intelligence and the Telephone Operator What switchboard operators can tell us about the future of work 27.02.2020, Marco Salvi
Clients, Not Patients A workshop on the thorny question of value for money in Swiss healthcare 29.11.2019, Verena Parzer-Epp, Jérôme Cosandey, Patrick Dümmler
Key Lessons for Switzerland’s New Parliament Two new publications by Avenir Suisse authors come packed with good advice 31.10.2019, Haig Simonian
What if… 13 possible developments and their consequences for Switzerland 31.10.2019, Peter Grünenfelder and Jürg Müller (Editors)
A Move Against E-ID and Innovation Delaying the political process comes at the expense of new opportunities 30.10.2019, Matthias Ammann, Fabian Schnell
The Path to Becoming a DLT Nation Numerous opportunities for the Swiss financial industry 16.09.2019, Jennifer Anthamatten, Pascal Lago
Democratically Digital Innovation and direct democracy are two core Swiss attributes. Sadly, they don’t mix. 31.07.2019, Haig Simonian
Why Swiss Banks Should Benefit from Blockchain Technology Jennifer Anthamatten on the Opportunity for the Swiss Financial Industry 31.07.2019, Jennifer Anthamatten
Digital Direct Democracy Reinforcing Swiss citizens' rights 30.07.2019, Matthias Ammann, Fabian Schnell
Blockchain after the Hype An opportunity for the Swiss financial industry 04.06.2019, Jennifer Anthamatten, Pascal Lago
The Uniquely Dynamic Momentum of the Lake Geneva Region avenir spécial New avenir special 08.05.2019, Jérôme Cosandey
The Electronic Clerk Should Charge Less How true-cost-pricing could foster e-government in Switzerland 29.04.2019, Fabian Schnell, Matthias Ammann
Rethinking Public Services in a Digital Age Big changes are needed to adapt supply to deregulation, tighter budgets and fickle demand 31.03.2019, Haig Simonian