Program & Presentations


Below you will find the presentations from the Avenir Suisse Think Tank Summit 2020. To download a presentation, click on “slides” behind the speech titles.

Thursday, 16 January 2020
11.00 - 11.15Welcome Note
Peter Grünenfelder, Director Avenir Suisse

Opening Speech - The Importance of Transnational Security Cooperation in Europe
Pascal Lago, Researcher, Security Policy, Avenir Suisse
11.15 - 12.15Introductory Keynotes

The Culture of European Security
Spyros Economides, Associate Professor in International Relations and European Politics, London School of Economics and Political Science LSE
A More Sophisticated Approach to NATO’s Burden Sharing
Ben Hodges, Lieutenant General (Ret.), former Commander United States Army Europe from 2014 to 2017
12.15 - 13.15, Lunch
13.15-14.30Panel 1aWhat Is European Security?

The EU as a Defense Actor: Towards Strategic Autonomy
Yvonni-Stefania Efstathiou, Political Attaché at the EU’s Delegation in Madagascar; former Programme Coordinator and Research Analyst for Defense and Military Analysis, International Institute for Strategic Studies IISS
PESCO at 2: Assessing Early Trends (Slides)
Steven Blockmans, Senior Research Fellow and Head of Foreign Policy and Institutions Unit, Centre for European Policy Studies CEPS
Transatlantic Relations: Internal Divergences, External Challenges and the Way Ahead
Karolina Muti, Researcher in Security and Defense at Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rome
14.30 - 14.45, Break
14.45-16.00Panel 1bActors in European Defense (NATO, EU, Country Perspectives)

France and European Defense – Vision and Ambition
Alice Billon-Galland, Research Associate, Europe Programme at Chatham House
The UK and European Security after Brexit (Slides)
Benjamin Martill, Lecturer in European security, British politics, and Brexit at the University of Edinburgh
Pussyfooting, Mediation or Avantgarde? – Germany’s Role in European Defense
Olaf Wientzek, Director of the Multilateral Dialogue Geneva at the Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
16.00 - 16.30, Break
16.30-17.35Panel 1cThe Challenges of (Post-)Neutral Countries and Their Role for the Security in Europe

The Need for Further Development of Swiss Security Policy (Slides)
Pascal Lago, Researcher Security Policy, Avenir Suisse
Austria’s Engaged Neutrality
Heinz Gärtner, International Institute for Peace (IIP) and University of Vienna, Chair of the Advisory Committee for Strategy and Security Policy of the Scientific Commission at the Austrian Armed Forces (BMLV)
Swedish Changing Security and Defense Policy in Its Post-Neutral Posture
Calle Håkansson, Associate Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs
17.35 - 17.45, Break
17.45 - 18.15The Swiss Federal Perspective on European Security

Baschi Dürr, Member of Basel-Stadt cantonal government; vice president of the Conference of Cantonal Directors of Justice and Police (Slides)
18.15- 19.00Closing Keynote

The Odd Animal in the Zoo: Swiss Security Policy
Ambassador Pälvi Pulli, Head of Swiss security policy at the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
19.00 - Open End, Dinner at the Restaurant Air
Friday, 17 January 2020
09.00Opening Welcome
Peter Grünenfelder, Director Avenir Suisse
Pascal Lago, Researcher, Security Policy, Avenir Suisse
9.00 - 9.30Introductory Keynote

OSCE and the European Security and Cyber Diplomacy
OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger
9.30 - 10.45Panel 2aCyber Security and Doing Business

Cybersecurity: Businesses in the Line of Fire
Ria Thomas, Global Co-Lead, Cybersecurity, Brunswick Group
The Machines Fight Back – Artificial Intelligence as a Response
to Cyber Attacks

Hippolyte Fouque, Commercial Director, Darktrace
Promise & Pitfalls of Insuring Cyber-Risk (Slides)
Jeffrey Bohn, Director, Swiss Re Institute
10.45 - 11.15, Break
11.15 - 12.15Panel 2bCyber Diplomacy, Cyber Warfare and Disinformation

Cyber Diplomacy: Opportunities and Challenges for Switzerland
Jon Fanzun, Special Envoy for Cyber Foreign and Security Policy at the Swiss Federal Departement of Foreign Affairs FDFA
Joint Responses to Malicious Cyber Activities
Julia Schuetze, Project Manager, International Cyber and Security Policy, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung
Central and Eastern Europe at Digital Age: Challenges for Diplomacy and Security
Marcin Zaborowski, Lecturer in International Relations at Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland
12.15 - 13.15, Lunch
13.15-14.30Panel 2cCyber Security in Switzerland

Cyber Risks and Strategy: Switzerland in a European context
Stefanie Frey, Managing Director Deutor Cyber Security Solutions GmbH
Switzerland’s Cyber Security Policy (Slides)
Manuel Suter, Coordinator of Swiss Cybersecurity strategy at the Federal IT Steering Unit
Cyber Risks in the Context of Critical Infrastructure Protection (Slides)
Stefan Brem, Head of Risk Analysis and Research Coordination at Federal Office for Civil Protection
14.30 - 15.00, Break
15.00 - 15.30KeynoteCybersecurity - Perspective of a Transmission System Operator (TSO)
Rainer Mühlberger, Head of technology of Swissgrid, the Swiss electricity grid operator
15.30 - 15.40Closing SpeechSecurity in Europe - the Road Ahead

Security in Europe – the Road Ahead
Pascal Lago, Researcher, Security Policy, Avenir Suisse
15.45End of Summit
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