What Applies to Switzerland, Also Applies to Avenir Suisse Jürg Müller, Avenir Suisse’s new Director since August 1 31.08.2023, Jürg Müller
Switzerland’s Higher Borrowing Is No Cause for Alarm – Yet Public sector indebtedness and the “debt brake” in the foreground 28.09.2020, Haig Simonian
Europe’s Threadbare Security Story An international debate and associated publication reveal why much more needs to be done 30.01.2020, Haig Simonian
Switzerland’s Francophone Powerhouse The uniquely dynamic momentum of the Lake Geneva region 31.05.2019, Haig Simonian
Switzerland is More Than a Wealthy Paradise Reflections about openness, King Roger and the importance of a liberal labor market 25.09.2018, Natanael Rother
Decentralization Has Fostered an Ever Prosperous Switzerland Five topics that need to be discussed before New Zealand decides to look for the kiwi-version of localism 31.08.2018, Natanael Rother
Yes, we Can: Vote on Everything and with Anyone On the exercise of direct democracy in Switzerland 29.06.2018, Tibère Adler
Six Scenarios for Switzerland’s Future Where does the future lie for a small, export dependent country in an era of ever bigger blocs? 31.05.2018, Haig Simonian
Switzerland White Paper Six sketches for the future 30.05.2018, Peter Grünenfelder, Patrik Schellenbauer, Patrick Dümmler, Jennifer Anthamatten, Verena Parzer-Epp, Marco Salvi, Jakob Schaad, Fabian Schnell, Urs Steiner
Switzerland Must Prepare for the Next Challenges Roger Partridge, Chairman of the New Zealand Initiative think tank, met with Avenir Suisse 30.06.2017, Jakob Schaad
Trump’s Tax Plans Are a Significant Threat to Switzerland Is Switzerland under increasing pressure to reform? 18.04.2017, Marco Salvi
Where Does Switzerland Stand? A graphical calendar on the state of the nation 01.01.2016, Lukas Rühli
Ideal and Inspiration “Why Switzerland?” — Switzerland through foreign eyes 31.03.2015, Krassen Stanchev
Learning from Switzerland and Schwyz “Why Switzerland?” — Switzerland through foreign eyes 18.02.2015, Oliver Hartwich
“A Country in Good Working Order” “Why Switzerland?” — Switzerland through foreign eyes 12.11.2014, Razeen Sally
Where Switzerland? We live in era in which the low-cost, instant conveying of ideas has become possible. Australia-based Wolfgang Kasper, a professor emeritus of economics, speculates about the possibility of relocating the Swiss model to a new, freer neighbourhood. Kaspar has worked as an academic, researcher and consultant to industry and commerce in many countries, mostly in the Asia-Pacific region. 19.09.2014, Wolfgang Kasper
The Swiss Love for Small Things “Why Switzerland?” — Switzerland through foreign eyes 29.08.2014, Alberto Mingardi