This is the final program of the digital Think Tank Summit 2021. Click here for more information on our speakers.
Thursday, 21 January 2021 (CET) – Moderation: Tama Vakeesan | ||
11.00-11.15 | Welcome Note Peter Grünenfelder, Director Avenir Suisse Opening Speech Céline Neuenschwander, Researcher, Avenir Suisse |
11.15-12.20 | Introductory Keynotes | Swiss Refugee Policy in a Changing Environment Eduard Gnesa, former Special Ambassador for International Migration of Switzerland, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs A Data-Driven Approach to Improving Refugee Integration Outcomes Dominik Hangartner, Immigration Policy Lab, ETH Zurich |
13.15-14.15 | Panel 1 | How to Reduce Security Risks Among Refugees and Asylum Seekers Pascal Lago, Senior Researcher, Avenir Suisse Yvonne Gilli, Doctor for unaccompanied minor refugees Wilhelm Brunner, Head of International Markets, Managing Director Austria, ORS Group |
14.30-15.30 | Panel 2 | Access and Integration of Refugees & Asylum Seekers Into the Labor Market Marco Salvi, Senior Fellow and Head of Research, Avenir Suisse Alexander Baic, Partner & Associate Director, Social Impact, Boston Consulting Group Shona Warren, Head of the Migration Program, Agora Think Tank |
16.00-17.00 | Panel 3 | The Impact of Refugee Migration on Welfare Systems in Host Countries Nathalie Ramel, Head of Research for Financial Services in Switzerland, Egon Zender Matthieu Tardis, Research Fellow, Center for Migration and Citizenship, Institut Français des Relations Internationales IFRI Herbert Grubel, Professor of Economics (Emeritus) and Senior Fellow, Fraser Institute |
17.15-17.45 | Closing Keynotes | Refugee Integration Policy in Switzerland: Milestones and Challenges Cornelia Lüthy, Vice Director of the State Secretariat for Migration, Switzerland (SEM) & Member of the Board of Management |
Friday, 22 January 2021 (CET) – Moderation: Tama Vakeesan | ||
09.15-09.30 | Welcome Note Peter Grünenfelder, Director Avenir Suisse Céline Neuenschwander, Researcher, Avenir Suisse |
09.30-10.30 | Panel 4 | Creating Transnational Conditions for Return and Reintegration Michael Spindelegger, General Director, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Anja Klug, Head of the Office for Switzerland & Liechtenstein, UNHCR Marcel Suter, Head of Cantonal Migration Offices |
10.45-11.45 | Panel 5 | EU & Refugee Politics – Ways Forward Marcus Engler, Research Fellow, Center for Research on Integration & Migration, Dezim Institute Mehrdad Mehregani, Project Manager, Bertelsmann Stiftung Angeliki Dimitriadi, Senior Research Fellow & Head of the Migration Program, ELIAMEP |
12.40-13.50 | Introductory Keynotes | The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Survival Migrants: Three Tools to Interpret the Evidence Michael Clemens, Director of Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development The Wealth of Refugees: How Displaced People Can Build Economies Alexander Betts, Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs, University of Oxford A Development Perspective on Refugees’ Impact on Host Communities Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, World Bank |
14.00-15.00 | Panel 6 | Refugees and Their Economic Impact in Host Countries Michael Clemens, Director of Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development Alexander Betts, Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs, University of Oxford Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, World Bank |
15.45-17.15 | Closing Keynotes | Responsibility of Liberal States With Regard to Refugees & Asylum Seekers Peter Maurer, President International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Switzerland – a Model for Europe? Mario Gattiker, State Secretary for Migration, Switzerland (SEM) Closing Remarks Céline Neuenschwander, Researcher Avenir Suisse |